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Countries of Artania
Area 12,633,958 km²
Population 1,295,837,618
Population density 102.56/km²
Demonym Artanian
Countries Aloria
Narikaton and Darnussia
Languages Dundorfian, Darnussian, Luthorian and many others

Artania is a continent located in the Northern and Western hemispheres. The continent includes the Artanian mainland plus a number of islands notably including parts of Beluzia, Dorvik, Kundrati, and Narikaton and Darnussia. In geographic terms it is surrounded by the White Ocean in the north, the Mad Dog Ocean in the east and south as well as the Red Bass Ocean to the west.

List of countries[]

Country Location Population Area
Flag of Aloria Aloria Location of Aloria
Flag of Beluzia Beluzia Location of Beluzia
Flag of Dorvik Dorvik Location of Dorvik
Flag of Dundorf Dundorf Location of Dundorf
Flag of Endralon Endralon Location of Endralon
Flag of Hobrazia Hobrazia Location of Hobrazia
Flag of Ikradon Ikradon Location of Ikradon
Flag of Kirlawa Kirlawa Location of Kirlawa
Flag of Kundrati Kundrati Location of Kundrati
Flag of Luthori Luthori Location of Luthori
Flag of Malivia Malivia Location of Malivia
Flag of Narikaton and Darnussia Narikaton and Darnussia Location of Narikaton and Darnussia
Flag of Rutania Rutania Location of Rutania

Regional organizations[]

Artania remains one of the strongest continents in terms of economy and social order, it is widely considered the model of governance as many governments including the historical Holy Luthori Empire reside on Artania. In recent years Dorvik has risen to become an integral component of the Artanian continent, having pushed a large movement to building the Artanian Union, an organization that was founded in October 3284 and remains to this day. Despite many movements to end the Artanian Union, it remains one of the longest lasting continental unions to date and continues on despite losing members every 10 or so years.

Aside from the Artanian Union there are numerous other regional organizations that assist to build Artania as a continent. The Artanian continent features the Artanian Economic Council which is a collection of Artanian business owners, industrialist, politicians and the like who meet quarterly to discuss various issues facing the continent. The Group of 13 is the collective name of informal meetings between various politicians, business owners and others who convene to discuss issues, politics and other things facing the Artanian continent.

Culture and language[]

Artanian Culture Map

Culture map of Artania. Blue represents nation that have a language that is based off of Dundorfian sub-cultural group. Red represents the Luthori sub-cultural group. Purple represents the Hobrazian sub-cultural group and yellow represents non-cultures.

  • Dundorfian (German)
    • Dorvik
    • Aloria
    • Dundorf
    • Rutania
    • Kirlawa
    • Darnussia
    • Malivia
    • Beluzia
  • Neter Senek (Ancient Egyptian)
  • Luthorian (British English)
  • Hobrazian (Georgian)
  • Malivian (Hindu)
  • Endralonese (Hungarian)
  • Kundrati (Modified Basque)
  • Regions of Beluzia (Kazakh)
  • Lorman (Prussian)
  • Mothin (Bulgarian & Macedonian)

Geography of Artania[]

Artania is a rugged continent crisscrossed by highlands and two major mountain ranges.


The largest and most prominent mountain's are the Black Mountain Chain which run from the north of Rutania, splits Aloria and Kirlawa, split's the Dorvish regions of Largonia and Miktar and ends in the southern portion of the Dorvish region Kordusia. Split from the Black Mountain Chain is the Kurmal Mountains in Aloria. The Great Central Valley as it is known is what provides fertile soil in Dundorf, a small chain of mountains blocks Rutania and Dundorf from each other, this is another part of the Black Mountain Chain and is known as the Artani Mountains, named after the continent.

Continents of Terra
Artania - Majatra - Seleya - Keris - Dovani - Makon - Temania - Vascania