The Changwat of Suman (Phra: จังหวัดสุมาน) (Suman: ເມືອງຊູມານ) is one of the nine Changwats (Administrative Districts) in the Kingdom of Hanzen. It is the cultural center of the Suman People and a former Princedom a vassal state of the Kingdom of Hanzen called "Golden Princedom of Suman" (ເຈົ້າຊາຍທອງແຫ່ງສຸມານ). The administrative capital of Suman is the City of Na Sap, the third largest city in Hanzen.
Suman is home to last minor Royal Family of Hanzen the Clan of Khotpanya. They hold no title to the throne of Suman or Hanzen but are accepted by the Hanzenese Government as a legitimate Royal Family in Hanzen.