The Ezrahim (Civil War) is a film produced and distributed by Heritage Films, Valoir Studio from Lourenne and Sinama Eayn al-Nasr (Eagle Eye Cinema) from Badara, based on the works by Gem Publishing; namely the Heritage Trials and The Meddling Affairs from the Emergence Era of Beiteynu.
It speaks of an ancient and enduring strife of the Kadmonim, Elior's direct descendants.
One that continues to shape Beiteynu through the thousands of years.
Valoir Studio from Lourenne dropped the trailer in 5542 under a "you got the story wrong" theme.
Watch it, here.
What is the Ezrahim?[]
Ezrahim is not a civil war in the traditional sense, but more of an indirect strife between the Kadmonim, those of the Yeudi People tracing their ancestry back directly to Elior himself.
The rivalry itself is as old as that ancestry.
It has always simmered beneath the surface of the Affairs of Beiteynu ever since the foundation and eventual collapse of the Sacred Monarchy of Beiteynu - the 1st Yeudi Homeland - from 908 to the 1200s.
While dormant across the thousands of years, its 3 primary peaks so far have been:
- Its origins from the 900s to 1200s between the Kadiyot House and the Benowitz House themselves, which eventually led to the Yeudi Diaspora and one side fleeing the Holy Land
- A short lived period around the 2700s led by the Aristocrat House uncovering the locations of the 8 Gems, which kickstarted the sequence of events described on The Meddling Affairs book series
- A monumental entanglement of the entire House of Elior and more than 45 nations from the 5000s and onwards, when Baruch Lea Tzafrir ushered the Emergence Era of Beiteynu in 5199
Ezrahim's endurance is based on the fact that the Kadmonim hold immense influence over both the Government of Beiteynu and especially the Diplomacy of Beiteynu, as well as the Economy of Beiteynu itself.
By extension, on the entire Yeudish Neset itself, Beiteynu's network built on top of the Yeudi Diaspora.
Did you know?[]
The geopolitical "slap in the face" of the Yeudi Way is actually the result of the Kadmonim reaching a peak point in their conflict. Due to the Yeudish Neset's spread, nations are caught in the crossfire.
An infamous example of it is when Benjamin Benowitz pressured Noah Kadiyot (who he eventually murdered) to lobby in favour of sanctions against Trigunia (The Benowitz Handshake) to secure favourable oil and gas deals with Neftkomp, while Noah pressured Benjamin to bring the wealth back to Beiteynu.
Noah was essentially seeking to increase Beiteynu's and the Kadiyot House's influence over the Neset.
Benjamin was instead trying to increase the Benowitz House's power against Beiteynu.
Elior's Oath[]
Supposedly it was made by Elior, although historians disagree since there are no exact records verifying the oath's validity from the time of the Qedarite Migrations when Elior reached the promised Holy Land with the Birites.
It foretells the Yeudi Diaspora as a result of the strife of Elior's descendants, the Kadmonim.
By association, it's most commonly thought to have originated from the Kadmonim themselves in later centuries, whether from the Benowitz House or Kadiyot House remains unclear. The houses have always interpreted the oath differently, presumably leading to the conflicting perspectives.
One regards it as a mandate for the dispersed Yeudi People to rule Terra; the other does not.
The oath itself speaks of the return of Elior's heirs.
Yeudi Way[]
The infamous and seemingly double-faced conduct of Beiteynu and those of significant influence of the Yeudi People from the Yeudi Homeland itself and even beyond across the Yeudish Neset was actually forged as a cultural trait by one of the Kadmonim as the Yeudi Diaspora began unfolding back in the 1200s.
It was born out of a revenge that was clearly not possible to be exacted in the short-term, after the collapse of the Sacred Monarchy of Beiteynu. Ironically, the other side also inherited it around the times of the Kingdom of Yishelem by Luthori in the 2800s.
And it culminated with the Emergence Era of Beiteynu from the 5000s and onwards.
Yeudi Monarchy[]
Buried deep in history's obscure pages since the collapse of the Sacred Monarchy of Beiteynu - the 1st Yeudi Homeland - in the 1200s, it once again emerged officially during the Emergence Era of Beiteynu with Elias Ishmael IV's coronation in 5406 (Avnayheim). What's especially curious about the resurgence is that Nefariouiem Aristocrat of the Aristocrat House did not push for the ascension of a "pureblood" of the Kadmonim to the Throne of Yishelem; but a descendant of the newly joined Goldbloom House with the House of Orange-Villayn-Armstead from Luthori.
The curious bit about it?
While both sides of the Kadmonim wish for a Yeudi Monarch to hold the Yeudi Crown of 8 Gems to watch over and ensure the interests of the Yeudi People across Terra, one of them wants to keep it away from the other.
And the other can't reclaim Elior's legacy after thousands of years, without his very own 8 Gems.
Symbols of the Yeudi Heritage, which have been missing since the Yeudi Diaspora.
Yeudi Plot[]
It's not one; there are actually two plots.
One conjured by one side of the Kadmonim as the centuries of the Yeudi Diaspora unfolded until the 1500s. And one, when Theodore Aristocrat discovered the notes of Yeladim Keshef in Keymon in the 2700s. Both meant to help the Kadmonim in achieving their own conflicting interpretations of Elior's Oath and the Yeudi Monarchy.
One, to retrieve the 8 Gems; and one to keep them away.
Yeudi Heritage[]
It was actually formed by the ancestral pride of the Kadmonim in the centuries leading up to the foundation of the Sacred Monarchy of Beiteynu - the 1st Yeudi Homeland - with the coronation of Ishmael I in 908.
Supposedly, Elior foresaw the Yeudi Diaspora as the result of the impending strife of his descendants; he had two sons, whose descendants eventually formed the Kadiyot House in Yishelem and the Benowitz House in Sholemberg, the place the Birites had first landed during the Qedarite Migrations.
As both houses knew of the inevitable dispersion of the Yeudi People as envisioned by Elior centuries before, the Benowitzes - representing most of the higher order priests of Yeudism - attempted to unite the Yeudi tribes to help forge an undying sense of connection together with the Kadiyots.
Ishmael I, the 1st Yeudi Monarch, was a Kadiyot.
Are you watching closely?[]
The Yeudi Diaspora of the 1500s was a result of the strife of the Kadmonim between the Benowitz House and the Kadiyot House, as they began disagreeing on what to do with the impending dispersing of the Yeudi People that Elior had foretold, as he watched his sons and grandsons drive a wedge between themselves during the first settlements in Yishelem and Sholemberg in the North Bank during the Qedarite Migrations.
The Sacred Monarchy of Beiteynu had eventually collapsed for the same reason, in the 1200s; even after the Benowitzes had helped unite the Yeudi tribes together with the Kadiyots, who took up the Throne of Yishelem in a long line of rulers after Ishmael I ascended in 908, as the first of the House of Elior.
Thus, the diaspora itself came into being by its own foretelling by none other than Elior, himself.
And it all started on that fateful day in October 908.
- Qedarite Migrations, Elior fathers two sons, whose descendants eventually form the Benowitz House and the Kadiyot House
- 700s - 908, Benowitzes help unite the Yeudi tribes under the banner of Yeudism
- 908, a Kadiyot (Ishmael I) is crowned 1st Yeudi Monarch of the 1st Yeudi Homeland
- 908, a Kadiyot (Ishmael I) and a Benowitz (Caleb), who served as the High Priest, get into a heated argument
- 908 October, a Benowitz (Caleb) bows to a Kadiyot (Ishmael I)
- Early 5400s (5339), a Benowitz (Benjamin) and a Kadiyot (Noah) face off again after ages
- Late 5400s, a Benowitz (Benjamin) murders a Kadiyot (Noah)
- 5456, one of the Kadmonim stops the House of Elior from invading Kundrati
- 5470, one of the Kadmonim sets the final stage for the War of Lost Souls with Lourenne
- 5499, a Kadiyot (Eli), serving as the Head of the Medinat Department, threatens a Benowitz after the destruction of the War of Lost Souls with Lourenne
- 5508, a Benowitz faces a Kadiyot (Eli), who served as the last Rosh HaMemshala of the 8th Yeudi Homeland before its weakening
- 5508, a Benowitz threatens a Kadiyot (Eli)
- 5508, a Kadiyot (Eli) acts in anger against a Benowitz as a Thaller walks in on their argument
- 5508, a Kadiyot (Eli) begins to call out a Benowitz and a Thaller
Who's who?[]
Of the House of Elior.
Kadiyot House / Yishelem[]
One of the Kadmonim, tracing their ancestry directly to Elior's firstborn son.
- Beiteynuese Government
- Medinat Department
- Ishmael I, he was the 1st Yeudi Monarch
- Noah Kadiyot, he was murdered by Benjamin Benowitz
- Eli Kadiyot, he was the last Rosh HaMemshala before the 8th Yeudi Homeland finally weakened
- Elijah Friedman, he was the spy that arranged for the bombing of the synagogue in Cildania
Benowitz House / Sholemberg[]
The other of the Kadmonim, from Elior's second son. They fled Beiteynu during the Yeudi Diaspora.
- Yeudish Neset
- Shipping Industry of Beiteynu
- Petroleum Industry of Beiteynu
- Vamaj Network
- Caleb, he crowned Ishmael I in 908
- Benjamin Benowitz, he murdered Noah Kadiyot in the late 5400s
Keshef House / Keymon & North Seleya[]
Modern day descendants of the Benowitz House, born out of the Yeudi Diaspora.
They welcomed the House of Banmek-Sntazed from Vanuku into Elior's legacy, though it's argued that the Tzafrir House had already done that, as they have been widely considered half Jelbic in ancestry themselves.
- Financial Industry of Beiteynu
- Shipping Industry of Beiteynu
- Yeladim Keshef, he discovered the existence of the original Yeudi Plot and some of the 8 Gems
Aristocrat House / East Majatra[]
Modern day descendants of the Benowitz House, born out of the Yeudi Diaspora.
They welcomed the Debua House into the fold and by extension the House of Orleans-Vasser after Theodore Aristocrat fell in love with Jacquil Debua in the 2700s. They also welcomed both the Goldbloom House and the House of Orange-Villayn-Armstead of Luthori, as part of the build up of Elias Ishmael IV's ascension in 5406.
- Financial Industry of Beiteynu
- Theodore Aristocrat, he hatched the counter-plot to the ancient Yeudi Plot and uncovered the locations of all 8 Gems after finding Yeladim Keshef's notes in Keymon
- Nefariouiem Aristocrat, he pushed for the ascension of Elias Ishmael IV to the Throne of Yishelem
- Elias Ishmael IV, he was crowned Yeudi Monarch of the 8th Yeudi Homeland in 5406
Tzafrir House / West Majatra[]
Thought to be modern day descendants of both the Benowitz House and the Kadiyot House, although it has been largely assumed that they are half of Jelbic ancestry from Barmenistan, Vanuku and Jelbe.
Have you been watching closely?[]
In October 908, Ishmael I of the Kadiyot House, murdered Caleb of the Benowitz House, drawing the first blood.
And turned the rivalry into an undying strife.
The Benowitz House opposed the Kadiyot House's interpretation of Elior's Oath as a mandate for the dispersed Yeudi People to rule Terra. When Ishmael I, a Kadiyot, murdered Caleb in October of 908, the rivalry turned into a strife. In steadily fleeing the Yeudi Homeland from 908 to the 1500s, the Benowitzes subsequently managed to steal 7 of the 8 Gems from the Yeudi Crown of 8 Gems worn by an extended line of Kadiyot monarchs.
As a response, the Kadiyot House hatched the Yeudi Plot; an elaborate and long-term plan fitting of the Yeudi Way that would one day see the return of the 8 Gems and the reascension of the Kadiyots to the Throne of Yishelem, so they would rule upon Terra through the Yeudish Neset, powered by the dispersed Yeudi People.
All in the name of the Yeudi Heritage and Elior's legacy born out of the Birites.
Truths buried beneath the layers of the ancient strife of the Kadmonim.
- Beiteynu and the Yeudish Neset (The Bloodline)
- Kundrati and the Terran Remediation Agency (Baruch Assassination)
- Lourenne and the War of Lost Souls (Jacquil)
- Vanuku and the MSCO (Scorched Trials)
- Narikaton and Darnussia and the 3rd Point (Black Gold)
- Cildania and the Medinat Department (The 4th Gem)
- Hutori and the Yeudi Conclave (The 3rd Gem)
- Luthori and the Kingdom of Yishelem (The Conclave)
After thousands of years, when Yeladim Keshef and Theodore Aristocrat, descendants of the then scattered Benowitz House, discovered the existence of the Kadiyot House's Yeudi Plot, they formed a counter-plot.
One meant to deter the Kadiyots by using their own plot against them and keep the 8 Gems away from Beiteynu.
And against Beiteynu itself.
2 of the 8 Gems stolen by the Benowitz House during the Yeudi Diaspora ended up in Luthori and Kundrati. As the Kadiyot House started using the Terran Remediation Agency during the Emergence Era of Beiteynu to meddle in the affairs of Artania in an effort to regain the lost gems, the Benowitzes staged the assassination of Baruch Lea Tzafrir by Nicolas Aristocrat, a descendant of the Benowitz House itself.
Since Cunnington Marit had already betrayed the Kadiyot House, the Kadiyots pinned the murder on Marit, in a last pit attempt to regain the confidence of the Government of Kundrati and continue trying.
Hence the curious relations between both countries for centuries on end since then; there was something foul in the air from Beiteynu all the time.
The Terran Remediation Agency, a vehicle crafted and abused by the Kadiyot House was, after all, founded by Baruch Lea Tzafrir, of the Tzafrir House; a house half in descent from the Benowitz House.
Narikaton and Darnussia[]
It premiered worldwide in 5545.
Watch it, here.
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