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— Province of Egelion —
Ghadrash Flag

Map of Ghadrash
Country Egelion
Capital Cape Rozevia
- Viceroyalty
- Governing party
- Legislature

Virrey Bodtan ver Kremils
Partido Monárquico
Gadrashi Osszeszerelési
Population 19,845,371
Area 279,600 km²

Ghadrash (also known as Yádraz in Ghadrashi) is a region in the Reino of Egelion. It is the third largest province in both terms of area and population. It is located on the Eastern Coast of Egelion and is boarded by Eder Gira to the north and Amateria to the west. It is the home of a Ghadrashan people and culture, which is a significant ethnic minority in Egelion.


Ghadrash's political situation greatly reflects its history. The people of Ghadrash tend to favore militaristic policies, due to sizable military bases and the nation's highest enlistment rates. This reflects both the poorer nature of Ghadrash and its strong military history. Ghadrash is also of of Egelion's more conservative areas, politically. They tend to stay away from religious conservativism, however, and tend to favor greater civil rights issues.


History of Ghadrash


The geography of Ghadrash can be divided into two main regions. The first major region is the coastal plains region that takes up most of the easter half of Ghadrash and was, and is, the population and political center of the province. The south western half of the province is more moutanious and is the home to most of the self-identified Ghadrashans. Ghadrash has an extensive coastline, which led to the province's dominance of the sea.

The eastern half of the province tends to stay fairly temperate year round thanks to a major current that runs along the coast via the Anatonese Ocean. The western half of the province tends to face harsher winters due to its mountainous nature and distance from the coast.


The major cities of Ghadrash are Cabo Rozevia, Puerto del Sur, Puerto Libertad (also known as Port Libertsk, Rio Gaderosa, Valdemaria.


Ghardrash is a largely integrated society with two major ethnic groups. Self identified Ghadrashans, ethcially similar to Girans in the north, make up about 15% of the population. They reside mostly in the mountainous south western half of the province and still hold strong ties to their past. 81% of the province identifies itself as Egelian (of these, there are sizable pockets of Girans to the north and Amataerians in the west, accounting for about 2% of the population each). 4% of the population lists themselves as "Other".

The areas of Ghadrash where Ghadrashi culture and lanugage are the strongest are referred to as the Felvidéki. There are defined as areas where more then 40% of the populations speaks Ghadrashi as the primary language in the home. The Felvidéki is mostly concentrated in the south west, especially in the mountains between Cabo Rosevia and Port Liberstk. Several neighborhoods of Port Liberstk and a few of Cabo Rozevia are part of the Felvidéki. Pockets of the Felvidéki are found in the rest of the region as well.


Statisticaly the poorest region in Egelion, Ghadrash's economy focuses greatly around the military. Cape Rozevia is home to Egelion's largest military base with South Harbor home to a large naval base as well. South Harbor is the major training ground for Egelion's amphibious military excercies. Mountain combat training is also done in the area immeidately north of South Harbor.

Trade is also a major source of economic income, however a far smaller percentage of the province's economy than in history. The province also has a small manufacturing sector, again mainly focused around defense contracts.

Ghadrash currently has the second highest unemployment rate in the world.


All primary and secondary schools in Ghadrash are required to offer at least 10% and at most 75% of the classes in Caillean, Most schools around the region offers about 20% in Ghadrashi and the rest Egelian, with additional foreign language classes. This is quite uneven across the region, with the core Ghadrashi culture areas schools offering most classes in Ghadrashi. On the otehr hand, in the parts of the region where Ghadrashi culture and language are less present, only 10% of classes are in Ghadrashi, inlcuding the hours of Ghadrashi as foreign language. The law provides schools in areas considered to have little-to-none Ghadrashi cultural presence (these schools account for only 2% of schools in the region) the possibility to provide only 5% of classes in Ghadrashi (in effect, only providing Ghadrashi language class in Ghadrashi).

Higher Education[]

Ghadrash hosts 18 Federal Universities of Egelion are:

  • University of Ghadrash
  • Carlos Salas University
  • Ghadrash Military Academy
  • Royal Cabo Rozevia Academy of Education

The University of Ghadrash is considered one of the best in Keris and one of the three most prestigious Universities in Egelion together with the University of Demar Solad and Villa Kinea University.

The Ghadrash regional university system hosts 9 institutes. Seven private institutions are also found in Ghadrash.
