Particracy Wiki

On May 4356, Telamon (leaded by the Federal Collectivist Union Party) started the second phase of a new system never seen before. This second phase would introduce Guilds to the nation, which were divided into Official guilds (managed by the Government) and Unofficial guilds (managed by the people).

Official Guilds (State-Owned Guilds)[]

The Official Guilds (or State-Owned Guilds) are those Guilds managed by the State. There are only four official guilds:

  • Law and Order (LaO): (Skjöldunga: Lög og Röð) is a Guild that will ensure security (without taking off the liberties of the people) to everyone.
  • Defensive Army Soldiers of Telamon (DAST): (Skjöldunga: Verjandi Herinn Hermenn af Telamon) This Guild will protect us from invasions and attacks, based on militias. Everyone is free to join regardless of their political ideology, sexual orientation, sex and others.
  • Religion Court of Telamon (RCT): (Skjöldunga: Trúarbrögð Dómi af Telamon) For those believers in Hosianism, this Guild is their favourite place.
  • Supreme Federal Court (SFC): (Skjöldunga: Hæstiréttur Sambandsríki Dómi)) Officially, the Parliament of Telamon, is a Guild for politicians inside the Parliament.

Unofficial Guilds (People-Owned Guilds)[]

