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The history of Kanjor is complex and extensive. As a consequence, the emergence of new evidence means that it's early period is subject to constant re-evaluation. In contrast, Kanjor's more recent history has been maintained with detailed records and there is less subjectivity as a result.

Pre-Selucian history[]

Main article: History of Canrille
Waskina statue

Vase dating from the Waskina Empire

Kanjor's history dates back to the emergence of civilization around 3000 BCE, with the establishment of the Numineux Valley Civilisation, which lasted until c. 200 CE. The original inhabitants of Kanjor were the Numineux who developed a civilisation of peaceful farmers, fishermen and traders in the Numineux Valley and along the Numineux coast. The identity and language of the people that built the civilization is unknown.

Around the same time that the Numineux Valley civilization collapsed the Waskina Empire was established on the mountains at the border between Kanjor, Rildanor, and Alduria. Initially thought to have been a militarized and centralized monarchy similar to the later Anti Empire, recent research shows that the Waskina were a peaceful and multicultural egalitarian society, and that the term "empire" is not fully applicable. The Waskina established a flourishing and advanced civilization and engaged in trade and cultural contact with its northern neighbors, the Ikpi and the Mu-Tze. The Waskina Empire collapsed around 750 CE for unknown causes, although its culture and civilization were continued by the Imiri, Anti, and Willitu peoples. The later became the dominant culture in Kanjor, organized as the Willitu Lordships.

Another successor of the Willitu Empire was the Bendiri Kingdom, a small Anti kingdom in the mountain ranges of South Seleya. Unlike its predecessor, the Bendiri Kingdom was highly centralized and developed a formidable military, which it later used to subjugate the Afar and Imiri Kingdoms, forming the Anti Empire. The Empire also attempted to conquer Willitu lands, but although some lordships were conquered by the Anti Empire, the war with the Anti state forced the Willitu to adopt a more state-like structure, and the resulting confederation successfully resisted conquest by the Anti. The free Willitu would maintain their independence for centuries, even successfully resisting Selucian colonization.

Selucian rule[]

Main article: Selucian Empire
Foundation of Kanjo

Foundation of the city of Kanjo, the first city in Kanjor

In 1482 explorers from the Selucian Kingdom of Calatia arrived on the coasts of Canrille, and soon after Calatia established outposts and eventually colonial control. After the gradual conquest of Alduria and an expedition to Rildanor, the Calatians attempted to conquer the Willitu in the 17th century. The Willitu Lordships however delivered a sounding defeat to the Calatians in 1635, putting an end to all Selucian attempts at conquest for more than two centuries. Calatia did however manage to occupy a substantial part of Willitu territory centered around the newly-founded city of Kanjo, which would remain the center of Selucian colonialism in Kanjor and later give the nation its name. During Calatian rule numerous Selucian colonists would settle in Kanjor, bringing Selucian culture, Hosianism, and the Calatian dialect of Selucian with them.

Willitu war

Wilitu armies triumphant against Calatian forces

In 1811 Calatia was united with the other Selucian states to form the Selucian Empire, and in Canrille Calatian rule was replaced with Selucian rule. Between 1861 and 1882 Selucia conducted a bloody and destructive campaign of subjugation against the free Willitu, bringing all of Kanjor under Selucian rule as a result of the so-called "pacification of Kanjor". The territory was reorganized as the Province of Canrillia Superior ("Upper Canrille"), in contrast with Rildanor which was renamed as "Lower Canrille". During Selucian colonial rule the process of Selucianization continued with increased vigor, while Hosianism, although illegal and persecuted on the Selucian mainland, was tolerated in the colonies as a vehicle of Selucian culture.

During the fascist period in Selucia (1935-1949) Selucian colonists in Canrille rebelled against the metropolis. Although after the fall of fascism the Empire was reformed and additional rights granted to the colonies, this was not sufficient to pacify the rebels, and after the Canrillaise Wars of Independence (1947-1956) Kanjor, together with the rest of Canrille, obtained its independence.

The Interregnum[]

Valentin III

Valentin II of the House of Audierne, the first King of the Old Kingdom of Kanjor.

Canrillaise independence was not achieved by a single unified movement, but rather by a heterogeneous coalition of forces spanning the entire political spectrum. For more than a century after the withdrawal of Selucian forces in 1956 Kanjor and all of Canrille was divided into numerous small states that often clashed with each other, leading to a period of low-scale civil war as various factions, some ideological, some regional, clashed with each other for control over territory. In Kanjor, after a period of fighting between monarchist, communist, and Hosian theocratic movements, by 1978 they had consolidated into two political entities. The mainland was controlled by the so-called Old Kingdom of Kanjor while the island was forcefully unified by the fascist Free State of La Tondelle. In spite of their significant differences, the two states had generally amicable relations on account of their shared hostility to communism and liberal republicanism.

While the "Free State" remained largely uninvolved in the conflicts between the other Canrillaise states, the Old Kingdom of Kanjor involved itself in the wars in neighboring Rildanor. The Morbanaque-Martois War of 2047 was a conflict between the Rildanorian Kingdom of Tirali against republican forces. A republican system was all too unthinkable in the highly elitist and aristocratic societies of Rildanor and Kanjor, and the latter intervened on the side of Tirali. The conflict was short but bloody, and Kanjorien forces were only allowed two-months in Rildanor's country were only permitted to go 100 km in. In those areas within Morbanacque that Kanjorien forces moved they applied a scorched earth policy within 20 km of the border with either Martois and Oléri-des-Grâces. After four major guerrilla attacks by republican forces killed 300 Kanjorien soldiers, the King pulled out and declared victory.

In 2070 Alphonse I, the last king of the Old Kingdom, died, and a pro-unification democratic movement came to power in both the Free State and the Old Kingdom. The two states negotiated a union to form the Republic of Kanjor.

A Search for Kanjorien Identity[]


Emperor Valerian I, last of the Audierne monarchs of Kanjor.

Early monarchist attempts[]

The Republic of Kanjor (2070 - 2118) was the first democratic government ruling over all of Kanjor and represented the definitive establishment of Kanjor as one of the Canrillaise nations. However the young republic suffered from instability, economic hardship, and a lack of legitimacy, and it ultimately lasted for only 48 years.

In the 2110s a growing monarchist movement sought to place the House of Audierne on the throne of Kanjor. The Kanjorien Imperial Party, tacitly backed by the ambitious young Valerian, the head of the family, won a majority of seats in the 2116 election and founded the Empire of Kanjor two years later. Valerian, at the forefront of the movement, was crowned Emperor Valerian I. However, he did not marry and when a car crash killed his two younger brothers, Valerian realized that he had been foolish to rely on other family members for the maintenance of the Crown. It was too late for Valerian to marry and father children and his death in 2142 also ended the Audierne family. The Empire technically continued but without a Audierne family member, the Monarchy sat in legal limbo as a series of regents filled the position until 2148 when the Crown was legally dissolved, although Kanjor maintained its official name as the Kanjorien Empire until 2207.

Timothee I

Timothée I, first Terran Patriarchal Exarch of Kanjor

Due to strong monarchist sentiment and a lack of a legitimate claimant to the throne Kanjor briefly experimented with elective monarchy under the Captaincy General of the Two Kanjors (2207-2245), when the nation was ruled by an elected Capitaine-Général. The office was abolished in 2245 and the Kanjorien aristocracy attempted a period of direct rule under the Grand Republic of Kanjor (2245-2275). The last few years of the Grand Republic were marked by increased instability. In 2274 a royalist uprising erupted in Rildanor, led by its recently deposed King Edmund I and his son Hénri, which soon overran government forces on the island of Meriath. When news of the revolt reached the mainland, many noblemen and their supporters quickly sailed for Meriath, hoping to rally behind Edmund and restore the monarchy. A planned invasion of Rildanor from Meriath soon took effect and royalist forces focused their attention on the capital Tirali, but the ensuing conflict drew in nearby countries, including Kanjor, Saridan, Aldegar, Kafuristan, Gishoto, and Dorvik.

In 2134 Deltarian Vojvoda Mojmir Bátory was elected Arch-Patriarch of a newly-established Terran Patriarchal Church. Hosians in Canrille, who had remained devout followers of the Holy Apostolic Hosian Church of Terra in spite of the abolition of its leadership in 1819, were among the most enthusiastic in recognizing the new Arch-Patriarchate. Although the schisms caused by Arch-Patriarch Innocent I's Cadaver Synods would ultimately lead to the establishment of the Theognosian Church which would be the dominant church in Kanjor, most Patriarchal faithful in Kanjor remained faithful to the Arch-Patriarchate. The reforms implemented by Arch-Patriarch Adrian I in the 2230s restored some of the Terran Patriarchal Church's prestige, and caused renewed devotion in Kanjor. In 2275 Kanjor became a Terran Patriarchal theocracy under the Holy Kanjorien Empire, governed by a Conseil grand d'Exarques chaired by an elected Grand Exarch. The Holy Empire lasted until 2290, when it was replaced by a second attempt at direct aristocratic rule, the Totalitarian Oligarchic Domain of Kanjor (2290-2304).

Era of International Involvement and the Quiet Era[]

The Oligarchic Domain was overthrown by the Anarchist movement, which succeeded in recognizing Kanjor into a number of communes under the name of the Free Lands of Kanjor, which however were replaced a decade later with a confederal democratic republic, the Kanjorien-Canrillaise Confederation. A Republic of Kanjor, modeled on the first Republic, briefly existed between 2326 and 2340, until a new confederation, the Confederation of the Two Kanjors, was established. The confederation ended in January 2465.

In the 2450s, the concept of Canrillaise integration, the idea that Canrille ought to be united as a single country, gained credence in Rildanor. Negotiations took nearly a decade, but generally well received in both Rildanor and Kanjor, while sparking little interest in Alduria. In May 2461, Rildanor and Kanjor ratified the treaty and officially formed the Union of Southern Seleya. The system retained much of the two countries' systems, with alternating 5-year presidencies and cabinets. South Seleya, however, would eventually dismantle for two reasons; the two countries still largely performed as separate entities, with little being done in the international relations arena. Also, Rildanor had revived strong monarchist sentiments that required a withdrawal from a union with a staunchly republican character, thus ending the union in the 2490s. After 93 years of republican rule, the Nareaths were reinstated to the throne of Rildanor. The Union thus went defunct in early 2500, but Kanjor did not change the name of the country until March 2514. The succeeding Free State of Kanjor (2514 - 2696) presided over an age of peace, prosperity, and stable multi-party democracy often known as the "Quiet Era".

Kingdom or Republic?[]

Kingdoms and People's Democratic Republics[]

Monarchism reemerged in Kanjor during the 27th century, although all attempts to establish a monarchy were soundly defeated, until the coronation in 2696 of King Léopold of the House of Orléans-Vasser as the Monarch of Kanjor. From this point forward the nation was split not ideologically but by their support for the monarchy or republicanism, although often ideological alliances developed between these two camps. Royalists became associated with the liberal middle-classes and a less state-driven economy, while the Republicans tended to be sympathetic to communism and the maintenance of the role of the State. The early monarchist era is seen as a constant battle between two factions, primarily the Royalists and the Communists.


The capture of former-Chairman Gustave Sevier & his sister Lirienne (in van) near the Kanjor-Rildanor border by armed gunmen of the PRT's security forces.

Between 2696 and 2960 the nation alternated between the Royaume de Kanjor and the First, Second and Third Républiques Populaire Démocratique de Kanjor. During the third People's Democratic Republic of Kanjor the People's Commission was established. The People's Commission was a quasi-independent legal body established in February 2894 by the Parti Révolutionnaire des Travailleurs-led government of Kanjor. It was created to redress grievances made by the working class people of Kanjor against their treatment during the 44 year of Monarchist rule, however the extreme judicial power the Commission amassed was fiercely critised by liberals and Royalists. It was closed down in December 2894, having arrested over three thousand people, and executed nearly six hundred, including high-profile politicians and members of the Royal family. In spite of the excesses of the Commission, 2942 was the first election with no Royalist presence, marking the emergence of the so-called Republican Consensus.

United Kingdom[]

The consensus lasted until 2959, when internal tensions within the PRT led to the fall of the People's Democratic Republic and the establishment of the United Kingdom of Kanjor and La Tondelle on the 5th of June 2960. Between September 2972 and January 2973 the nation was rocked by the so-called Communist Malaise, PRT inter-party violence in which several high-ranking officials and numerous lesser party members were killed in various parts of Kanjor, especially in Martois. Party faction leaders used armed paramilitaries and small deathsquads to root out each other's supporters. The party was officially fractured until former-Trade and Industry shadow minister Ninette Foucault took hold of the party and guided back to its radical Communist roots

Royal Union had new King under Constantijn I of the House of Angevin; House of Angevin was ousted by the AFK and Parti Conservateur Royaliste and House of Orléans-Vasser was returned to Throne.


Kanj troops Noumonde

Kanjorien troops of the humanitarian intervention in Noumonde

Under the justification of a terrorist attack by alledged communists in La Couronne in March 4643, the Parti Impérial absolished the monarchy in place of an emergency president and suspended elections. In 4655, Kanjor became a formal republic. The Nouvelle Union Gauche/Socialiste returned to power in 4664 and would rule unchallenged until 4683 taking the nation into a progressive socialist direction. They restored the monarchy in 4666 with Queen Evylin.


Queen Evylin (4666-4684) was supported by Nouvelle Union Gauche/Socialiste and led the nation with leftwing policy reforms that were often at odds with the populace. She was succeeded by King Louis IV in 4684 upon the dissolving of the Nouvelle Union Gauche/Socialiste and the rise of the Parti royal démocrate.

King Louis IV (4684-4699) enjoyed the support of the Parti royal démocrate until 4690. Nouvelle Union Gauche/Socialiste would resurface in 4692 creating an uneasy relationship until his death in 4699

King Charles II (4699-4723) was supported by the Nouvelle Union Gauche/Socialiste until 4704 and then became an absolute monarch. In 4723, Charles II was overthrown by the Le Congrès du Peuple upon the dissolving of the Nouvelle Union Gauche/Socialiste. Kanjor would remain a republic for the next 87 years.


Le Congrès du Peuple transformed Kajor with a flurry of legal reforms and treaty ratifications opening Kanjor up to the rest of the world. In 4735, the regions of La Tondelle (Est), La Tondelle (Ouest), and Oléri were renamed to La Tondelle, Silliers, and Val-de-Azur. The cities of Oustres, Mienau, Les Palais, and Venfors were renamed to Savigny, Picard, Le Cher-Comte, and Ile-de-Canrillaise. The ambitious domestic and foreign policy agenda of Le Congrès du Peuple came to an end in 4740 when the party officially dissolved. For the next 20 years, the Parti Populaire Unifié and the Parti Libéral Fédéraliste would compete for power until 4760s. The En Avant Ensemble would establish Kanjor as a short-lived socialist republic from 4786-4794. The Parti Urbain would restore the federal republic and rule until 4802. After a series of one-party administrations, the republic finally fell in 4810 to the monarchists.


The Monarchy was restored to Kanjor in 4810 under the leadership of the Front Nouveau Canrillaise. King Louis VI, of House of Orléans-Vasser would reign as HOS from 4810 to his death in 4853 upon being succeeded by his son, Philippe VI. King Louis VI would enjoy one-party rule until 4832. He would then rule as absolute monarch until 4847 when the Les Communautaristes took power. However, this would be short-lived and, again, King Louis would reign as absolute monarch until his death in 4853.

Willitu march

Willitu people celebrating the adoption of the Oullitou People Act

Philippe VI of House of Orléans-Vasser succeeded Louis VI in 4853 and was suppported by the Parti Royal Democrate until 4866 and then ruled Kanjor as an absolute monarch until his overthrow in 4876. Philippe VI was invited to rule Alduria in 4860 and is still the ruling monarch to this day. He was also the monarch of Lourenne from 4856-4874. From 4860-4874, he was considered the undisputed Canrillaise Emperor. For reasons unknown, his power quickly collapsed in Lourenne and Kanjor in the 4870s ending the Canrillaise Empire.

In 4876, the House of Alarie under Robert and his brother, Stanly, took advantage of the power vacuum left behind by the Parti Royal Démocrate's exit, the ruling party since 4866. In May 4876, Stanly Alarie won the governor-general election and his party, the Loyaliste Royaliste Parti, won 72% of the vote. In January 4877, Robert I was made King of Kanjor in a bloodless revolution that saw the overthrow of Philippe VI of the House of Orléans-Vasser. King Robert I also enjoyed support from the Silverbug Shareholders, a loyal opposition party.

The restored monarchy was interrupted by the Kanjorien Republic, which lasted from 4901 to 4992. With the Senate passing the Royaume-Uni de Kanjor Act in May 4992, a ceremonial monarchy was reinstated, and King Maximilien I of Lourenne was proclaimed King as the senior heir and head of the House of Orléans-Vasser-DeChambeau. Since then Kanjor has remained in a personal union with Lourenne. In 5236 the legislative adopted the historic Recognition of the Ouillitou People Act which for the first time in Kanjor's history granted recognition to the Willitu people as a constituent nation of the Kingdom and adopted a number of measures designed to reverse millennia of discrimination. Since then the situation of the Willitu people in Kanjor has improved significantly, although the Kingdom has not renounced Canrillaise nationalism.

Kanjor articles
History History of Canrille - Numineux Valley Civilisation - Waskina Empire - Willitu Lordships - Kingdom of Calatia - Kanjo - Selucian Empire - House of Orléans-Vasser - People's Commission - The Communist Malaise - House of Orléans-Vasser-DeChambeau
Geography Administrative divisions - Cities
Politics Monarchy - Elections - National Assembly - Governor General - Judiciary - Political parties - Supreme court - Council of Ministers
Demographics Ethnic groups: Canrillaise - Willitu
Religion: Hosianism
Culture Sport - Education
Economy Kanjorien model - National Chamber of Commerce - National Holding Corporation - National Integrated Transportation Network - Pesançon Mercantile Exchange - Voubaix Stock Exchange - Arsenal Preud'homme - AutoSeleya - Confederation of Small and Medium Enterprise Associations - Dufresne Construction Engineering Group - ERAK Industrial Group - ERAK Machinery - Industrial and Commercial Banking Group - Kanjor Aeronautics