The Valonian Union, consisting of the Bandorra Kingdom and Dugathan Kingdom, and the Ruzian Union, consisting of the Arglon Kingdom and Hulbark kingdom, were united in 1456 by the Treaty of Quinterra into the Valruzian Kingdom. This was done to withstand pressure from foreign powers. Each of the constituent kingdoms retained control of its own territories, giving the King little more than a nominal title. The King of Bandorra was chosen as ruler to ensure that the nation remained stable and free from dynastic quarrels. This reasoning was due to the fact that he ruled over the smallest of the four kingdoms (at that time what we now call North Bandorra was a part of Zuma) and would not be prone or capable to remove any of the fellow Royal Houses
In 1911, a civil war broke out in Valruzia's nothern neighbour Zuma, which controlled what is now known as Tirkalara and northern Bandorra. The Valruzian Kingdom exploited the situation and attacked the industrially underdeveloped nation. The Valruzian forces under command of the King quickly gained control of the nation and replaced the Council of Nuzria with a new Queen (the house of Tirkalara). The western part of the nation became a part of Bandorra. Since that time there have been repeated attempts to once again create a Zuman state, but these have failed to gain support numerous times. The first time that an independence movement became a real threat was upon the foundation of the Eccentric Farmer List by Almhod Tito the 1970s. As this group gained more and more support the Valruzian rulers saw no other way than to remove him and he became the victim of an assasination in 1995. This led to great instability in the Zuman areas and in 2001 a militant group calling themselves Titoists took up arms.
The insurgency in the Zuman areas and the newly-found power of the House of Bandorra further destabilized the Kingdom. In 2028 republicans in Valonia and Ruzia took up arms against the monarchs. The struggled lasted for 8 years and ended as the monarchs fled into exile. The year after, in 2037, the first elections in the new Valruzian Federation was held.