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Ѥлбєк Jelbék
Region Jelbania
Ethnicity Jelbek people
Native speakers 55 million  (3571)
Language family
  • Jelbic
    • Northern Jelbic
Language codes
ISO 639-3 jel

Jelbek or Jelbék is the native language of Jelbania, spoken by more than half of its population. It is agglutinative language, with certain prefixes, suffixes and conjugations creating different meanings of the word, but lacks the system of honorific speech present in others. The Proto-Jelbic people settled over a wide area of North-Western Majatran, extending from modern Jelbania up to Beiteynu and Pontesi. This region was continuous until migratory tribes invaded the Vanukuese Ithysmus and separated the Jelbic languages into Jelbék, Pnték (spoken in Pontesi), Brmék (spoken in Barmenia and Vanuku) and Wrnukaék (spoken only in Vanuku). The four modern incarnations are next to mutually intelligible, with minor vocabulary differences due to separate technological and cultural evolutions.

Alphabet and Phonology[]

The Jelbék language usually uses the Tokundian (OOC Cyrillic) alphabet, as a result of Deltarian influence, but it is also frequently written in the Selucian (OOC Latin) alphabet. The letters are named phonetically.

Jelbék Alphabet and Phonology
Tokundian Selucian IPA Phonology
а a æ like a in "pad"
б b b like b in "burn"
в w v like w in German "Werken"
г g ɡʱ like g in "gurn". Breathily voiced.
д d d like d in "dirt"
е e ə like e in "tell"
з z like z in German "zoo"
и i ɪ like i in "instead"
й j j like y in "yell"
к k k like ch in "mechanism". Aspirated if start of word.
л l ɫ like l in "milk"
м m m like m in "met"
н n n like n in "burn"
о o like o in Spanish "todo"
п p p like p in "printer". Aspirated if start of word.
р r like r in Czech "krk"
с s s like s in "sit"
т t t like t in "tape"
у u u like u in "mural"
ф v f like f in "influence". Not aspirated.
х h ɦ voiced glottal fricative. No English Equivalent
ш sh ʃ like sh in "shoe".
ѳ f 'f like f in "fester". Aspirated
ъ à ǣ like a in "pad" but very short
ы y ɪ like y in "synchronised"
Ь j ʲ kj is pronounced like k in "key" (as opposed to c in "cook")
ә á ɑː like ar in "far"
є é like ay in "bay"
ї í like ee in "bee"
я ja ja like ya in "yak"
ѥ je je like ye in "yes"
ё jo jo like yo in "Yom Kippur"
ю ju ju like "you"
џ c d͡ʒ like j in "jam"

The Jelbék Alphabet, which is still used for special occasions and is still used in some printed publications where the Tokundization or Selucization of the language is met with xenophobic disdain, is fairly simple in design. It has five segments which are believed to relate to how each sound is projected, voiced, affricated or otherwise modified. Whilst theories differ over which segment relates to which, a unilateral consensus is held that the central horizontal segment denotes a vowel.



The sentence structure of the language is SOV (Subject Object Verb) and uses particles to denote which case nouns in the sentence are in. It remains largely similar to the grammar of Old High Jelbic.

A variety of particles are used to label certain aspects of the sentence. These can depend on which case the items referred to in the sentence are in, they might be conjunctive, some modify nouns or make lists, whilst others some finish sentences to add assertions or requests.

Example Text: Jelbék Prsakijsrlji Lrn[]

"Jelbék Prsakijsrlji Lrn" or the "Jelbanian Purple Stripe" is a nationalist anthem that has been proposed as the national anthem.

Old High Jelbic Luthori
Kriertrunakaék Jelbékai Yesterday's Jelbanians,
Krsyigad drzy shlajomek. Fought to make our union.
Kezji drsmojekjrza Strongly united,
Krjozuo, hrerwa And despite some dying for the cause
Shlajogad hrzy grzmojek. They succeeded in their struggle.
Hiakaék Heiji Jelbékai Today's righteous Jelbanians
Wrntu hrzy fahmojuo. Go forwards.
Intrsmor trzy Nrlak We are determined to
Drzy nrkmojuojetak. be intelligent and clear.
Katakjinyr ajozuo. We will not tire.
Jelbék Prsakijsrlji Lrn The Jelbanian Purple Stripe
Isre wrzy krysijozuo. Is uniting us all.
Taghe firja Jezstad timad From the fields to the cities
Jelbékai ajozuo. We are the Jelbanian people.
Kriwrntuakaék Jelbékai Tomorrow's Jelbanians
Isrék Krsyiji Krna Will look back
Hrzy thotrmojetak. On our union,
Genjogad srlmojetak. And inspired
Azre orzy flakmojrza. They will not falter
Jelbék Prsakijsrlji Lrn The Jelbanian Purple Stripe
Isre wrzy krysijozuo. Is uniting us all.
Taghe firja Jezstad timad From the fields to the cities
Jelbékai ajozuo. We are the Jelbanian people.
Jelbék Prsakijsrlji Lrn The Jelbanian Purple Stripe
Jelbékai ajozuo. We are the Jelbanian people.
Jelbania articles
History Jeltarian Empire - Jakanian Civil War - Southern Hemisphere War - Lake Majatra War - Jelbanian-Deltarian War
Geography Majatra - Majatran Sea - Lake Majatra
Politics Political parties
Demographics Ethnic Groups: Jelbeks - Jelbanians
Religion: Ahmadism - Patriarchalism
Culture Monarchy - Nobility - Sport
Economy Agriculture - Tourism