Particracy Wiki

The Jelbic languages are replete with commonly used aphorisms and phrases. Jelbic cultures place a strong emphasis on the importance and wisdom of tradition, and many aphorisms are used in response to day-to-day experiences to provide guidance and counsel.

Aphorisms and phrases attributed to ancient or unknown authors/speakers[]

Phrase Meaning Literal translation Attributed to
Beshbrj Tanhriék Baotaghe "In the middle of nowhere." "Under Tahnri's sky" Unknown
Drkjokon drzy Akim orzy drkjofetak'rza "You cannot reach Akim by reason." "By using the consequences of knowing Akim you cannot know" Abj
Kai orzy Megàmestijogad drzy amrszilmozuo, trzy Sotfahmojad drzy amrszilmozuo "Man is born crying and grieves when he leaves." "Man because of birth is crying and because of escaping is crying." Abj

Shlajhiko orzy hifirja krjuàjohylakmek krjokonfetak.

"A tired warrior is one bound to die." "The warrior, having become tired, is already doomed to death." Unknown

Aphorisms and phrases attributed to recent authors/speakers[]

Phrase Meaning Literal translation Attributed to