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Klaus Eliya
Personal details
Born June 5304
Kien, Hulstria and Gao-Soto
Died October 5351 (aged 47)
Spouse(s) Herga Eliya
Children Klaus, Jr.
Relatives Klaus H. Eliya Jr. (grandson in 6th generation)

Klaus Eliya (June 5304 – October 5359) was a Hulstrian politician and businessman. Eliya founded the Eliyan Movement, a racist, Hulstrian supremacist and pro-slavery political party. During his career, Eliya was the sole owner Hulstria One and Kiener Privat. As a result, he held the largest private share in the banking industry of Hulstria and Gao-Soto.

Early childhood[]

According to Klaus Eliya's personal information in his biography "Klaus Eliya - The Most Successful Life in Kien", he was born in 5304 into a rich family of entrepreneurs. In fact, his origin and the circumstances of both parents are still secrets that remained hidden in the Eliya family to this day.

All information about his childhood came from his own biography. There are no other sources provided in archives or even local publication ever naming Klaus Eliya personally.

Chapter I "Richest man in Kien"[]

At the age of 21, Klaus received a small loan from his father, who he said was very short-tempered, in order to eventually start his own real estate company.

However, after an economic crisis broke out in the Kien real estate industry in 5328, Klaus Eliya's generated assets quickly became useless secondary objects: "I had to reorient myself, find new ways to make quick money and free myself from my father's dependency."

As a result, Eliya started several nightclubs under the brand "Eliya's Finest Babes" ("Eliyas feinste Schätze") after the largest nightclub "Kien Gutmenschen" had to close during the economic crisis.

His brand and establishments in eastern Kien were so successful that he quickly became the most famous nightclub owner in Kien. From 5332 on forward his business expanded to western and southern Kien.

However in 5334, after southern districts placed a prohibition on nightclubs and other erotic entertainment industries, Eliya was once again forced into industry expansion.

Banking Sector[]

With his newly earned success, he started the "Kiener Bank" in the financial sector in order to extend his success to the pockets of all Kiens.

"The financial sector was the fastest growing economic sector in Kien. This was nothing new, however a well-known nightclub owner who opened a bank undoubtly was. This brought me a broad customer base, mainly from the wealthy upper class." - Klaus Eliya

Until 5336, Kiener Bank was one of the most successful private banks in all of Hulstria. Eliya rose to become the richest man in Kien and his success did not want to end. However, when suspicions of a monopoly entered the doors of his office, he split Kiener Bank into "Kiener Privat" and "Hulstria One". Both private banks are still known for their entry into global investments and large shares in key economic sectors in Kien.

Political Ambitions[]

After Klaus Eliya joined multiple organizations and political parties, he came to the conclusion that according to him and the rest of the hulstrian people none of the parties can really work efficiently and purposefully. He described the party landscape as "outdated" and "rusty". Only a strong leader could proclaim a new movement.

Establishing the Free Hulstria Movement (Also known as Movement of Eliyan Hulstria | Bewegung Eliyanisches Hulstria) was Eliya's first step towards political participation in Hulstria and Gao-Soto. The foundations of the movement were laid at the Hulstria One Private Shareholder Meeting in December of 5436. In 5437 his movement appeared as a public organization and party. Every citizen and resident of Hulstria and Gao-Soto could now join and participate in the movement.
