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Selucian Language
The Selucian Language is part of the Rhaetan Family and placed in the Romance tree. Over centuries the language became what it is now. Selucian combines the three different dialects of the Selucian Empire, Ulerothi which is similar to English, Korganian a German like dialect and Shadarian similat to Spanish. During the unifying wars in the early history of Selucia the powerful families saw the need of one common language and

it was a logical step to use the business language Latin which was used on all islands for business contracts or diplomatic treaties with each other.

But abother problem occured, how to write this official language? And how can the different sialects get integrated in the new system?

After Selucia was unified a commission was setted up to work out a solution for this matter. Till now each island still used the own dialect and not always could other citizen understand or read this.

Based on the phonetic writing the great author and poem writer Marius Cyrillicus proposed to change the abc for all dialects and to write the words in the new alphabet called after him Cyrillic. It allows the people to write the words in their phonetic sounds and therefore also the other people of Selucia were able to read the texts of their neighbouring provinces.

Together with the new abs Cyrillicus worked with the three dialects to work out similarities and to replace the differences by Latin words a still used business and contract language.
But the different islands didn't want to give up their dialects what led to a multi-lingual. The new alphabet was required and promoted in all islands, first to replace the old abc and later to learn the official language.
It is said the last person able to write in the old abc died 215 years after Cyrillic was the official alphabet in Selucia. There is no doubt this phonetical abc increased the use of words out of other dialects as well as from the official language.
The todays differences are pronountiation and some minor changes in the abc. But also some different words are still in use.

The Selucian alphabet

А а ; Б б ; В в ; Г г ; Д д ; Е е ; Ё ё ; Ж ж ; З з ; И и ; Й й


К к ; Л л ; М м ; Н н ; О о ; П п ; Р р ; С с ; Т т ; У у ; Ф ф

Х х ; Ц ц ; Ч ч ; Ш ш ; Щ щ ; Ъ ъ ; Ы ы ; Ь ь ; Э э ; Ю ю ; Я я

The Language Tree

High Class

Official Language (Latin based)


Korganian Daily language (German based Selucian)

Hard sound, endings sometimes not spoken. In Kal Serathi "g" can be an "j" and at the end of a word "k". In Korgana "au" can be spoken like "o"

Ulerothi Daily language (English based Selucian)

Depending on the district a "th" can sound like a "f" and an "u" spoken like the sound "u" in smooth

Shadarian Daily language (Spanish based Selucian)

The "c" spoken like an "s" in East Shadar. In West Shadar a "c" spoken like the English "th" when an "i" or "e" follows. sometimes the letter "b" spoken like "v"

Other Languages

Arabic (throughout Selucia by ca 18% of the population)

Pontesian dialect (in West Kal Serathi, West Uleroth)

Hebrew (in Selucian Jewish communities)

Hobrazian (North Korgana in the region of Assedo and in Auroria)

Selucian alphabet Old alphabet
High Class: Манус марум лават Manus manum lavat
Korganian: Ди ханд вэшт ди ханд Die Hand wäscht die Hand.
Ulerothi: зэ хэнд вошс зэ хэнд The hand washs the hand.
Shadarian: Ла мано лава ла мано La mano lava la mano
Selucia articles
History Selucian History • Enetric Migrations • Colonies in Antiquity • Selucian-Cildanian Wars • Selucian League • Qedarite Empire • Council of Auroria • Holy Apostolic Hosian Church of Terra • Renascentia • Unification of Selucia • North Seleyan Wars • Selucian-Deltarian Conflict • Kirlawan-Dorvish Border War • Order of Saint Parnum • House of Victoria • Pontesian Civil War • Crimson Crusade • Lake Majatra War • Plebeian Revolution • Barmenian Refugee Crisis
Geography Geography of Selucia • Majatra • Majatran Sea • Auroria • Assedo
Regions Aquilonia • Sadaria • Oleria
Demographics Ethnicity: Selucians • Seluco-Pontesians • Seluco-Barmenians • Seluco-Cildanians • Cildanians
Religion: Hosianism • Selucian Patriarchal Church • Religio Seluciana • Felinism
Politics & Government Politics of Selucia • Government of Selucia • Emperor • Prime Minister • Cabinet
People Papa Sergo • Constantinus I • Rebeca I • Alamar Xarfaxis • Sulla I • Octavia Flavia Hadriana • Caius Cassius Sophus • Caeso Cassius Sophus • Aulus Fortunus • Agrippa Marcius Dives • Lucius Cassius Aquilinus • Vopisca Bruccia Silvana
Military Armed Forces of Selucia (Selucian Army • Selucian Navy • Selucian Air Force) • Selucian Security • Republican Guard • Summum Praetorium Selucianum