Yishelem (OOC: Jerusalem) is the capital city of Beiteynu and one of the oldest cities in Majatra. It was founded by Elior during the Qedarite Migrations.
The city, once known as Bira, is one of the largest historical cities of Terra. It was founded, according to legend, by Ariel's follower Elior, in the aftermath of the Qedarite Migrations. The city was later significantly expanded by Ishmael II between 931 and 946 after which it became the capital of the Sacred Monarchy of Beiteynu. It was also the site of the Yeudi temple which became the centre of Yeudism across Terra.
Bira was razed to the ground by Pontesian troops in 1493 and the temple burnt. Since then the city of Yishelem has been built approximately where Bira once stood. There have been calls by some to rebuild the temple in Yishelem but most Rabbis have declared this should not be undertaken until a Messianic era has occurred.
According to the Book of Bliss, Yishelem is a holy land and considered as such by Hosians, Yeudis and Ahmadis alike. It is where prophet Ahmad pray with all other prophets, and it is the place where he ascended to Heaven.
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